MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-I Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut

MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-I Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 
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Marlins Test Grammer adalah sebuah program tes yang menguji kemampuan bahasa inggris tulisan maupun lisan bagi pelaut. Marlins Test Grammer dikerjakan secara online di website / program resmi dari Marlins Test atau bisa juga langsung datang ke kantor-kantor cabang Marlins Test. Marlins Test Grammer menggunakan metodologi pengujian bahasa Inggris kontemporer dan memungkinkan perusahaan menilai pemahaman bahasa Inggris dengan cepat dan akurat.

Seperti yang kita ketahui beberapa perusahaan terutama perusahaan asing menggunakan marlins test sebagai acuan kemampuan berbahasa inggris seorang pelaut, jadi tidak ada salahnya kita mengetahui tips mengerjakan marlins test atau kisi-kisi Marlins Test Grammer pelaut ini.

Soal Marlins Test Grammer ini Maswilhuda.com akan membagi menjadi 2 (Dua) bagian yang diantaranya :
Berikut soal Marlins Test Grammer yang dapat saya pelajari sesuai dengan pengalaman saya pribadi saat saya mengikuti Marlins Test Untuk Pelaut,

01. The ship__________in quarantine for 6-10 days
      Kapal__________dalam karantina selama 6-10 hari
      a. Is placing - Apakah menempatkan
      b. Will be placed Akan ditempatkan
      c. To be placed - Untuk ditempatkan
      d. Have placed - Telah ditempatkan

02. What kind of assistance__________?
      Bantuan macam apa__________?
      a. Do they needApakah mereka membutuhkannya?
      b. Does they need - Apakah mereka membutuhkannya?
      c. Will they needed - Akankah mereka membutuhkan
      d. Have they need - Sudahkah mereka butuhkan

03. It will take you 15minutes to get to the nearest bank _____foot?
      Anda akan membutuhkan waktu 15 menit untuk sampai ke bank terdekat _____foot?
      a. OnDi
      b. At - Di
      c. With - Dengan

04. ________to australia?
      ________to australia?
      a. Have you go - Apakah kamu sudah pergi?
      b. Did you ever been - Apakah kamu pernah
      c. Have you ever beenPernahkah kamu
      d. Did you went - Apakah kamu pergi

05. _______________ the person had fallen overboard?
     _______________ orang tersebut telah jatuh ke laut?
      a. Who to discover - Siapa yang ditemukan
      b. When disccovered Ketika ditemukan
      c. Who discovered - Siapa yang menemukan
      d. Who is discovered - Siapa yang ditemukan

06. _________________the emergency party muster?
      _________________ pihak darurat mengumpulkan?
      a. Where willDimana akan
      b. Who - Siapa
      c. What are - Apa
      d. Is - Aku

07. _________________how to use the fire blanked?
      _________________ bagaimana cara menggunakan selimut api? 
      a. Does the cook knowApakah juru masak tahu
      b. Is the cook knowing - Apakah juru masak itu tahu
      c. Knows the cook - Tahu juru masak
      d. Are the cook know - Apakah juru masak tahu

08. _________________will our berth be available ?
      a. What
      b. Since when
      c. When -
      d. Who

09. What was the main course_________the collision last week?
      a. Off
      b. Of -
      c. From

10. We have been waiting for abreath_________3hours
      a. For -
      b. From
      c. To

11. The turbo charge is________operation
       a. About -
       b. To
       c. Out of

12. Pilotage is compulsory_________all vessels that enter or leave the port
      a. During
      b. At
      c. For -

13. We expect to repair the pump_______two hours
      a. On
      b. At
      c. In -

14. I have been working on this ship_______april
      a. For
      b. In
      c. Since -

15. Most oil spill occur_____________routine cargo operations and bunkering
      a. While
      b. During -
      c. Because

16. ____________________________ you need?
      a. How many copies of these document are
      b. How many copies of these document
      c. How many copies of these document does
      d. How many copies of these document do -

17. The distress message________________at 17.00
      a. Was received -
      b. Is receiving
      c. Was receiving
      d. Receiving

18. Todays the crew___________________________a launch and recovery exercise with the lifeboat
      a. Are going to carry out -
      b. Will be carry out
      c. Going to carry out
      d. Is being carried out

19. No body_________________after the fire in the accomodation
      a. Injured
      b. Was injured -
      c. Did injured
      d. Wasnot injured

20. ____________________________located?
      a. Where the emergency pump
      b. Is where the emergency pump
      c. Where were the emergency pump
      d. Where is the emergency pump -

21. What steps_____________________if there is some spillage when loading?
      a. Should take
      b. Should be taken
      c. Are taking
      d. Should to take

22. Why____________________the meeting yesterday ?
      a. Had you cancel
      b. Canceled you
      c. You cancel
      d. Did you cancel

23. The owners,flag state,and coastal state___________________________about the accident within the required period.
      a. Is not informing
      b. Will not informed
      c. Hasnot informed
      d. Werenot informated

24. How often _________________emergency drill on board?
      a. Do you ussualy have
      b. Is you having
      c. Has you had
      d. Will you had

25. Can you approach the vessel__________the lee side?
      a. For
      b. Since
      c. From

26. There were_________________500 passanger on  board during this voyage
      a. Over
      b. Across
      c. Against

27. The ship___________________to alter course
      a. Was ordered
      b. Order
      c. Did ordered
      e. have ordering

28. Which is the best fire extinguisher to put____________an electrical fire?
      a. On
      b. Out
      c. Into

29. Emergencies often occur________________night
      a. On
      b. In
      c. At

30. Closing does will slow__________the spread of flames.
      a. In
      b. Through
      c. Down

31. If you need medication you should take it___________you
      a. By
      b. In
      c. With -

32. _________________ready to sail?
      a. Was you
      b. Has you been
      c. Are you -
      d. Is you

33. Ihave been cooking_________my key every where but icant find it
      a. After
      b. At
      c. For -

34. All vessels are advised to keep clear ___________ this area
      a. On -
      b. At
      c. Of

35. _________________protective shields,guards,cover or any warning signs.
      a. Doesnot remove
      b. Younot remove
      c. Is not remove
      d. Donot remove -

36. _________________is herfull manouvering speed?
      a. Whose
      b. Why
      c. How many
      d. What -

37. What ports______________during the voyage?
      a. Do you ship call at
      b. Did your ship call at -
      c. Your ship will call at
      d. Your ship called at

38. How___________________the helm?
      a. Are the ship amswer
      b. Do the ship answer
      c. Have the ship answer
      d. Does the ship answer -

39. ___________________a bow thruster?
      a. Does the ship have -
      b. Did the ship had
      c. Does the ship get
      d. The ship have

Itulah yang dapat kami paparkan dalam artikel pertama ini yaitu mengenai MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-I / Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut. Dan Insya Allah akan dilanjutkan di artikel selanjutnya yaitu MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-II. Tentu nya masih ba nyak kekurangan dan kelemahan nya, kerena terbatas nya pengetahuan dan kurang nya rujukan atau referensi yang ada hubungan nya dengan judul artikel ini.
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