MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-II Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut

MARLINS TEST GRAMMER Bag-II Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
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40. ________is keeping at the gangwayat the moment
      a. Where
      b. When
      c. Who -
      d. Why

41. We expect to repair the pump____________two hours
      a. In
      b. At
      c. On

42. The pump rate should be 60cbm_______hours
      a. Per
      b. At
      c. On

43. Ihave just talked with her watch officer_____________the phone
      a. To
      b. On
      c. From

44. When the captain comes we_________________this problem
      a. Had discussed
      b. Will discuss
      c. Discussed
      d. Discusses

45. How__________________the helm?
      a. Does the ship answer
      b. Are the ship answer
      c. Have the ship answer
      d. Dothe ship answer

46. The chief engineer and 2nd officer are arriving here_________plane
      a. By
      b. With
      c. In

47. When_________________________ready?
      a. Our food will be
      b. Will our fooed be
      c. Did our food be
      d. Our food

48. What cargo __________________ you ship carry?
      a. Does can
      b. Will can
      c. Has
      d. Does

49. Who________________________?
      a. The deck cargo lashed by
      b. Is lashing the cargo deck
      c. Is lashed the deck cargo
      d. Had been lashed the deck cargo

50. The chapter includes instructions and information__________________all the life saving appliances on board
      a. At
      b. Up
      d. About

51. I need to find _________the excat date of my next shore leave
      a. Over
      b. Of
      c. Out

52. You look so pale! Whats wrong____________you?
      a. At
      b. With
      c. For

53. The ship________________for odessa tomorrow
      a. Will be left -
      b. Is leaving
      c. Has left
      d. Leave

54. If it is necessary to abandon ship in cold climated you must put________extra clothing
      a. Into
      b. Onto
      c. On

55. The space ____________until the fire service arrives
      a. Is not entering
      b. Was not entered
      c. Hasnot been entered
      d. Hadnot entered

56. Who__________lifeboats for launching?
      a. Are prepared
      b. Does prepares
      c. Prepares
      d. Did prepares

57. All life jackets on any ship must be_______the same make and type
      a. In
      b. Of
      c. On

58. When__________through the panam canal
      a. Have you pass
      b. Did you passing
      c. Will you pass
      d. You are passing

59. We were unable to leave rotterdam____________15th november
      a. On
      b. In
      c. At

60. You________________you post but should contact  the other person via radio
      a. Must not leave
      b. Must not to leave
      c. Must will not leave
      d. Not to leave

61. The look out ______on this way to the the bridge
      a. Gets
      b. Has
      c. Does
      d. Is -

62. _______________have shore passes to go ashore?
      a. You wouldnt to
      b. You must to
      c. Do you have to -
      d. Didnot you to

63. To makedrills more effective , ascenario of the emergency should be devided______the drill
      a. Before -
      b. On
      c. At

64. Who was this certificate signed______?
      a. Off
      b. By -
      c. On

65. If the visibility is reduced we____________________slow speed
      a. Have been procceed
      b. Will proced -
      c. Would have proceeded
      d. Proceeded

66. I________thirty on Monday
      a. Being
      b. Were
      c. Will be -
      d. Has been

67. ___________contect with any moving parts
      a. Avoid -
      b. To avoid
      c. To avoided
      d. Avoiding

68. How long____________our master?
      a. Had you knew
      b. You know
      c. Were you known
      d. Have u known -

69. ________________propeller has your vessel got?
      a. How long
      b. How much
      c. How
      d. How many -

70. The master_________________to the agent at the moment
      a. Is being talked
      b. Has talked
      c. Is still talking -
      d. Talks

71. _____________disambarking in this port?
      a. Have you any passengers
      c. Did you had any passengers
      d. Are you have any passengers -
      d. You has any passengers

72. How many gang__________in this shift
      a. Has been working
      b. Did work
      c. Is working
      d. Will be working -

73. _____________________fresh water?
      a. Were did you take on
      b. Where did you take on -
      c. When have you toook on
      d. Where took you on

74. I’m not ________________command at this moment
      a. Under -
      b. Of
      c. Over

75. Why is master not statisfied____________________our work?
      a. With -
      b. Of
      c. To

76. You look so pale ! Whats wrong ________________ you?
      a. At
      b. With -
      c. For

77. When ________________________received?
      a. Was the strom warning
      b. The strom warning was -
      c. Did the strom warning
      d. Has the strom warning

78. The hold______________2 hours ago.
      a. Was surveyed -
      b. Will surveyed
      c. Willl be surveyed
      d. Did surveyed

79. The distress mesages ________ at 17.00
      a. Was received -
      b. Is receiving
      c. Was receiving
      d. Received

Itulah Diantara Soal Marline Test Grammer Untuk Pelaut bagian II yang dapat kami sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini, dengan penuh harapan semoga kita semua dapat mengambil intisari dari soal-soal tersebut. & Insya Allah akan dilanjut dengan MARLIN TEST Lainnya. Kurang lebih nya kami mohon maaf. Akhirul kalam. Wallahul muwafik, ilaa aqwamith thariiq, Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh"

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